Have a healthier period with Organyc

We all know about the importance of following a healthy diet and lifestyle can be, but when it comes to periods and menstruation, likely due to its taboo subject and not many people’s willingness to talk openly about it, we are in general not aware. A women’s period is a natural part of her monthly cycle. The number of days spent menstruating can vary widely from person to person. Most people bleed for two to seven days. Fact is though that periods can last for half of our life and the importance of using a natural and organic period pads or tampons compared to conventional period products can impact our health and the environment more than you can imagine.

Did you know a conventional period pad includes a combination of plastics (the equivalent of 5 plastic bags) , synthetic fragrances and super absorbent polymers. All these synthetics can affect the body with, redness, irritations and reactions, making you feel uncomfortable, itchy and sore as well as harming the environment. Plastic does not degrade and stays in landfill for up to 1,000 years.

Organyc has a solution for intimate irritations and how you can have a more healthier period, for you and the environment. That is by switching your period products that are made from only 100% organic cotton..

Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials with the purpose of reducing the impact on the environment. And preserving the natural equilibrium between the many components of the ecosystem. Organic agriculture endeavours to work in harmony with nature, producing healthy plants for healthy people. For example, organic farming uses bio-rational products and bio-control agents for pest management. Organic certification is the public's assurance that products have been grown and handled according to strict, safe procedures. Making the change to 100% organic cotton period products can be a great relief to your intimate area.

Organic cotton is a natural fibre, it is breathable, kind to sensitive skin and an all-round healthy choice. Organyc provide natural and organic period products, where all products are made from only 100% certified organic cotton to give comfort, freshness and protect the intimate area from irritations, sores, and discomfort. All Organyc period products are clinically proven, has unsurpassed absorbency and are 100% certified organic cotton inside and out.

Organyc period products are the first brand to offer complete protection. This is accomplished by using organic cotton inside and out, that not only absorb and don’t leak, but also fully protect against skin irritation. Organyc is the world’s first clinically proven organic period product to reduce intimate skin irritations.

Have a happy period with Organyc!


The 5 Benefits of Using Organic Cotton Period Pads


How to manage your periods during the hotter weather.