Organic World
Organic cotton is healthy for you and the environment
Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials with the purpose of reducing the impact on the environment. And preserving the natural equilibrium between the many components of the ecosystem. Organic agriculture endeavours to work in harmony with nature, producing healthy plants for healthy people. For example, organic farming uses bio-rational products and bio-control agents for pest management. Organic certification is the public's assurance that products have been grown and handled according to strict, safe procedures.
Organic cotton is environmentally friendly
All Organyc outer packaging comes from renewable or recycled materials. Our outer wrap and backing for organic cotton pads and liners are made from Mater-bi which is created from corn starch.
Organyc feminine care products are biodegradable. Biodegradable, because they can be broken down into simpler substances by bacteria and microorganisms. Our own lab tests have proven the biodegradability of Organyc pads and tampons.
Organic is no accident
In order to market a crop as “organic”, a grower must be certified through a third party. This process involves several on-farm inspections in order to obtain the certification. Organic production begins with organically grown seed. If certified organic seed cannot be located, untreated seed may be used as long as it is not derived from genetically modified plants.
Organic production reduces health risks
Organic agriculture endeavours to produce healthy plants for healthy people.
Organic farmers build healthy soil
Soil is the foundation of the food chain. The primary focus of organic farming is to use practices that build healthy soils.
Organic farmers works in harmony with nature
They don't use genetically modified seeds, or synthetic pesticides or fertilisers.
Organic producers strive to preserve bio-diversity
Many organic farmers and gardeners have been collecting and preserving seeds, and growing unusual varieties for decades.
Organic farming helps keep rural communities healthy
Organic agriculture can be a lifeline for small farms offering an alternative to product crops and satisfy consumer demand.
Organic foods and non-food alike
Every food category has an organic alternative. And non-food agricultural products are being grown organically as well, including cotton.